With my green eyes, I can see in the dark. He went round and round trying to find a way out but without a light, it was impossible to see anything. He didn’t realize until he discovered he could see nothing at all. He was enjoying himself so much that he didn’t realize that his headlight was out again. He chugged past some toy soldiers and a drum, past a doll’s house and an airplane. He decided that he had had enough riding, so Little Toy Train went on alone. When Little Toy Train rammed into the ball again, Cowboy laughed so much that he fell off the van. “This is more fun than horse-riding!” exclaimed Cowboy. It was so funny that Little Toy Train did it again and again. But when he crashed into the ball, a very funny thing happened. He knew he would never be able to stop in time to avoid an accident. Suddenly, there was a big round object in front of him- a red rubber ball. With Cowboy on his guard’s van, Little Toy Train raced across the floor. “I’ll sit on top of your guard’s van and pretend I’m riding a horse.” “Alright,” said Little Toy Train. “How about giving me a ride?” asked Cowboy. “Indeed, I’m doing something different,” he answered. “You seem to be having lots of fun, Little Toy Train,” said Cowboy. Little Toy Train chugged along in front of Teddy Bear and the other toys sitting beside him- Baby Doll, Rocking Horse, Furry Kitten, Cowboy and Cuddly Dog. Also, read The Adventures Of Brave Eagle. Please excuse me!” “That’s alright,” said Teddy Bear as he was not really hurt. “My light doesn’t work well when I’m off my track doing something different. He saw that he had bumped into Teddy Bear. Little Toy Train’s headlight blinked on again. “Ouch, Do look where you’re going, Little Toy Train,” someone cried. Suddenly, his light went off and bumped into something soft. “Now, I can do something different.” “CHUG-CHUG!” he said as he went under the wheels of a tricycle. “I can move without track!” he said happily. His headlight blinked on and off like a firefly. “CHUG-CHUG!” he said slowly and then faster. Moonlight glistened through the windows, so he could see his village but he didn’t know how to get there. One night, however, when everything was quiet, Little Toy Train discovered that someone had taken him off his track and had forgotten to put him back.